Kansas City Concrete Solutions


It is seeking a polished concrete flooring polished or epoxy excellent quality?


In Kansas City Concrete Solutions are experts in polished concrete and epoxy, and we provide the best finishes to their floors professional and safely. At the same time we offer several alternatives for the appearance of their soils more beautiful. Kansas City Concrete Solution is a family business based in London.

In 2003 the company began focusing primarily on providing services with the highest quality products, specializing in commercial and residential customers. Then the company grew much more to get open its headquarters in Kansas City and then began his name Kansas City Concrete Solutions.

The dedication of this company is to assure its customers that all its products and services are of the highest quality in polished concrete and epoxy flooring. Other services we offer are the elimination of APV, adhesives, coatings and resins.

We are certified users procoso, amerpolish and the super abrasive processes and that is why you can put your trust in our concretes solution so that at all times we can offer the best beautiful and durable floors.